For as long as I can remember, Dad has always talked about getting an old Farmall to tinker with. So we have been shopping around for the right project at the right time at the right stage for the right price. Well, he found one. Its a 1940, Farmall A series, 1940 model, the first year for the A series. Seems our friends Uncle has several vintage tractors for sale, and once Dad took a look at this little A, he knew it was the one. They have named it Annie Russell, and it sure has taken on a personality. I will post recent pics later. These are from a week after he had it. It has come a long way and is taking shape nicely. It is an older restoration, but it not show quality by any means, but its getting closer every week. Dad really needed this project. His health has improved as he spend more time wrenching and tinkering now rather than scopin' Westerns on the tube! So far, he has pulled the radiator for flushing and repairs to fractured welds, replaced all hoses, replaced the oilpan gasket, installed the original headlights, installed a tail light, replaced the front tires with period correct rubber, repaired and painted the rims, installed mirror and slow vehicle sign, installed a rain cap on the exhaust, replaces all the front wheel bolts. He is looking forward to going on several tractor rides as well as parades and shows. We plan on using it as a second tractor to pull the hay rake next year when we get the baler and to pull the claw rope to put the bales in the barn.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Annie Russell, the Farmall A, 1940
For as long as I can remember, Dad has always talked about getting an old Farmall to tinker with. So we have been shopping around for the right project at the right time at the right stage for the right price. Well, he found one. Its a 1940, Farmall A series, 1940 model, the first year for the A series. Seems our friends Uncle has several vintage tractors for sale, and once Dad took a look at this little A, he knew it was the one. They have named it Annie Russell, and it sure has taken on a personality. I will post recent pics later. These are from a week after he had it. It has come a long way and is taking shape nicely. It is an older restoration, but it not show quality by any means, but its getting closer every week. Dad really needed this project. His health has improved as he spend more time wrenching and tinkering now rather than scopin' Westerns on the tube! So far, he has pulled the radiator for flushing and repairs to fractured welds, replaced all hoses, replaced the oilpan gasket, installed the original headlights, installed a tail light, replaced the front tires with period correct rubber, repaired and painted the rims, installed mirror and slow vehicle sign, installed a rain cap on the exhaust, replaces all the front wheel bolts. He is looking forward to going on several tractor rides as well as parades and shows. We plan on using it as a second tractor to pull the hay rake next year when we get the baler and to pull the claw rope to put the bales in the barn.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Shake Down Run
Went to the Mason City Swap meet yesterday. Really couldnt afford it, but I was able to scrape together some green to make it worth while. I found a nice clean refurbished chrome 12 volt generator for the 49 Pan Ive been peicing together for the last several years. I also scored a used (very used, but still serviceable) belt drive primary for the Pan. I was damn licky to find anything for the panhead there. All evo or newer shit. So I was shickled titless to find the primary set up with a tapered motor pulley. They went to the splined shaft in something like 1951 0r 1953. I also picked up a nice billet clutch pressure plate that will look sweet on the pan. I was thinking it would look nice with the outer spring plate I got from Noot Sr. back in the early 90's. But I got home, dug it out and its for a five fingered clutch hub. So thats OK, Ill just buy a 5 fingered hub the next time I buy new. Oh, and I found, get this, ONE..only One, Anderson foot peg. I looked through all them damn tubs of parts, sweatin' my ass off to find the other one to have a set, but I couldnt find it. So I bought the one, just out of spite! Im sure Ill find another some day, and if I find a set, Ill have a spare. Then. just when I thought it was a day to remember, I lost my Fricken check book. Bummer.
It was a nice day to ride today. A bit windy, but Ive enjoyed riding in alot worse. Keith wanted to do a shakedown run this weekend so we met in Ionia at noon and headed out from there to Alta Vista, then to Chucktown, then back to Ionia. 50-60 miles I 'spose. Glory ran great. We kept to the back roads as he had to vary his speed intermittantly during the topend break-in. Probably will do this for the 1st 200 miles or so. I rode behind and didnt see any smoke, couldnt smell and fuel. It did pop acouple times at the Deerfeild corner, but thats to be expected as we have it set rich during this first run to help keep things a bit cooler, and maybe help disipate some of the heat generated by new rings friction. It sure sounded happy! In a few years, we will do Kernal Beuford (my bike). My bike ran great, as usual. This is the first time I ever tried taking the camera and shooting pics on the run. I really had fun. I can see where its addictive. Brett Brandt and Nate Ullrick are my hereos when it comes to biker photagraphy. Brett took pics of me on my 57 Panhead back in 94 or so. He is a great guy. The next run, Irish Brian will have his 49 Pan and that will be sweet to get some runnin' pics of him on that. Classic. I look forward to sending pics into the magazines and see if I can get published. I avaerage 8,000 miles a year on the bike and I see and meet alot of folks in NE Iowa, SE Minn. and SW Wisc. who are unique bikers who all have interesting stories about why they ride, what they ride, and where they are going.

It was a nice day to ride today. A bit windy, but Ive enjoyed riding in alot worse. Keith wanted to do a shakedown run this weekend so we met in Ionia at noon and headed out from there to Alta Vista, then to Chucktown, then back to Ionia. 50-60 miles I 'spose. Glory ran great. We kept to the back roads as he had to vary his speed intermittantly during the topend break-in. Probably will do this for the 1st 200 miles or so. I rode behind and didnt see any smoke, couldnt smell and fuel. It did pop acouple times at the Deerfeild corner, but thats to be expected as we have it set rich during this first run to help keep things a bit cooler, and maybe help disipate some of the heat generated by new rings friction. It sure sounded happy! In a few years, we will do Kernal Beuford (my bike). My bike ran great, as usual. This is the first time I ever tried taking the camera and shooting pics on the run. I really had fun. I can see where its addictive. Brett Brandt and Nate Ullrick are my hereos when it comes to biker photagraphy. Brett took pics of me on my 57 Panhead back in 94 or so. He is a great guy. The next run, Irish Brian will have his 49 Pan and that will be sweet to get some runnin' pics of him on that. Classic. I look forward to sending pics into the magazines and see if I can get published. I avaerage 8,000 miles a year on the bike and I see and meet alot of folks in NE Iowa, SE Minn. and SW Wisc. who are unique bikers who all have interesting stories about why they ride, what they ride, and where they are going.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Im Back!
Hey everyone,
Just a note to say Im back. We had a major crash on the PC, and its honestly been like going through a house fire. We lost everything. Family pics, all pass words, everything.....Also had lots of family illness and my brother in-laws passing away friday night. So not much time lately to work on recovery.
Ill resume posts this week, so check back.
Just a note to say Im back. We had a major crash on the PC, and its honestly been like going through a house fire. We lost everything. Family pics, all pass words, everything.....Also had lots of family illness and my brother in-laws passing away friday night. So not much time lately to work on recovery.
Ill resume posts this week, so check back.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Freshen up Ol' Glory
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Dads Gift from Mom
Mikey Amling is a good friend of the family and has been so for over 30 years. He crossed over the end of October '09. Passed in his sleep at 54. He was a professional Blacksmith and was literally world reknown for his accurate and period correct fire strikers.
Mom was able to get ahold of one of his guns (Thankyou Brother Al!) and give it to Dad for Christmas. It is an Ithica .22. It was always above the kitchen door at Mikeys house for 30+ years.
Another Great Christmas
Well, another great Christmas has come and gone. Funds were very tight this year, but it always seems to workout somehow. Kids got their new cell phones and some extra goodies, so they were happy. Wife got her new electric skillet, an original 1974 Mattel Knit Magic in like-new condition, like the one she got as a child, but didnt get to use because her brothers broke it!Shes going to try it out, so I 'spose Ill have some goofy hats to wear...
My most prized gift, was from my parents. They had my name added to the Veterans Memorial in Lawler, Iowa. No words express the feelings....
Dad got me a HI-Point JHP .45 ACP pistol. I love it. He also gave a new Hi-Point 9mm. to my nephew. He gave my brother-in-law a .22 rife. James has really taken an interest in target shooting in the last several years. I was able to find a couple Hopalong Cassidy Vids for Dad that he never seen as well as a new holster for his new Hi-Point 9mm.. Got Mom a replica 1880's hemming clamp. Sis and brother-in-law got a new wind-chime, thiers was wore out.
List goes on and on.
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